Speaker's Invitation

🌟 Speaker Registration Form: A Journey Towards Empowerment for the Healing Power of Women Summit in Egypt 2024 🌟

October 25th, 26th, & 27th, in 2024

Live Speaking

Virtual Speaking

The Healing Power of Women Summit is designed to be inclusive and beneficial for a variety of business niches. Although the overall theme is Kemetic teaching, it’s more likely to origin of your own profession.

Here’s a list of business niches that could find value in participating:

1. Holistic Wellness Coaches
2. Spiritual Healers and Practitioners
3. Yoga and Meditation Instructors
4. Life Coaches
5. Women’s Empowerment Speakers
6. Mindfulness and Meditation Apps
7. Alternative Medicine Practitioners
8. Cultural and Spiritual Retreat Organizers
9. Online and Offline Women’s Support Groups
10. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Lifestyle Brands

11. Goddess Jewelry and Apparel Designers
12. Ancient Wisdom and Symbolism Artists
13. Women’s Leadership and Business Coaches
14. Organic and Natural Beauty Brands
15. Travel Agencies with a Focus on Cultural Retreats
16. Women’s Health and Wellness Products
17. Mental Health Advocates and Counselors
18. Event Planners Specializing in Spiritual Retreats
19. Culinary Experts in Holistic Nutrition
20. Women-Owned Small Businesses Supporting Empowerment

These niches align with the themes of holistic well-being, empowerment, and spiritual growth emphasized in the Healing Power of Women Summit. Businesses from diverse sectors can find common ground and benefit from the supportive and transformative environment of the summit.

I’ve been working on creating engaging and transformative workshops topic and descriptions for the “Journey Towards Empowerment for the Healing Power of Women Summit in Egypt 2024*,  that involves incorporating hands-on experiences and interactive healing processes. Here are some workshop ideas that align with the summit’s theme, incorporating the energies of Het Heru’s self love aspects aka (Hathor) and Auset’s natural nurturing of the process of creation aka (Isis) both from the ancient Egyptian pantheon:

1. Sacred Movement and Dance Workshop:
Explore the embodiment of Het Heru’s qualities through dance and movement and the trance aspects of Auset. Invite a skilled dance instructor to guide participants in expressive and empowering movements. This workshop can help women connect with their bodies, release stagnant energy, and tap into the joy and beauty within.

2. Meditation and Visualization Rituals:
Offer a workshop led by an experienced meditation practitioner or spiritual guide. Participants can learn meditation techniques inspired by ancient Kemetic practices, with a focus on visualization exercises to connect with the cosmic love of Het Heru and the Great Mother, Auset. This workshop can provide practical tools for self-reflection and inner transformation.

3. Empowerment Through Art and Creativity:
Facilitate a hands-on art workshop led by a professional artist. Participants can engage in creative expression, using various art forms to channel their emotions and reflect on their empowerment journey. This workshop aligns with the nurturing and expressive qualities of Het Heru.

4. Goddess Archetypes and Personal Empowerment:
Host a workshop with a knowledgeable speaker who specializes in mythology and archetypal psychology. Explore the various goddess archetypes, including Het Heru and Auset, and guide participants in discovering how these archetypes can inspire and empower their personal journeys.

5. Chakra Alignment and Energy Healing:
Bring in an experienced energy healer or holistic practitioner to conduct a workshop on chakra alignment and energy healing from Auset. Participants can learn about the chakras’ connection to ancient Kemetic teachings, and practical techniques for balancing and harmonizing their energy centers.

6. Rituals for Self-Love and Empowerment:
Develop a workshop that focuses on creating personalized rituals for self-love, nurture and empowerment. Participants can explore ancient Kemetic rituals and adapt them to their modern lives, fostering a sense of connection with the cosmic love of Hathor and Auset.

7. Herbal Medicine and Healing:
Collaborate with an herbalist or holistic wellness expert to lead a workshop on herbal medicine for women’s well-being. Participants can learn about herbs associated with ancient Kemetic healing traditions and how they can integrate these practices into their self-care routines.

8. Sound Healing and Vibrational Medicine:
Invite a sound healer or musician to lead a workshop on the healing power of sound. Participants can experience vibrational medicine, connecting with the cosmic energies represented through Het Heru through music and Auset through sound.

This Summit and the Workshops are Tailored to provide a holistic and immersive experience for participants, encouraging them to explore and embrace their individual paths towards empowerment, spirituality, and healing.

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