Romona Myles

The Chakra Alchemist

Host of the Healing Power of Women Summit Egypt, will be guiding you through the stages of clearing emotional attachments to memories that keep you in a loop of stagnation.

Spiritual Awakenings don’t just happen once, there are multiple Awakenings and multiple stages within them. I started documenting my experiences and found others were having very similar experiences and they didn’t know it. What I realized is that what I was using was a combination of different techniques based on ancient and modern-day teachers to help me through the process.

The deeper I went within, the more evidence I found of a more ancient system of teachings that rested deep inside me exposing the spiritual essence of my own self.

This lead me to begin writing my upcoming book: The 7 Step Roadmap to FREEDOM: How I Became a “Digital Nomad”

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