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Sekhmet is also known for potent unleashing of powerful sexual passions and the rising of Kundalini energy. Her opposite equal is Bastet.
In Ancient Kemet prior to the Patriarchal Arab/Ottoman/Roman Catholics invasions into the Motherland. This wisdom of the Goddesses is known all over the Earth via Gaia (Electromagnetic Energy).
The original 7 Temples were dedicated to the Goddesses all around the world. The Temple of Isis, is where the Vatican now stands. Another Goddess Temple was located where Mecca is now located. Long before man made  made religion. The Typhons, The Sybils, The Nagas. The so named ‘Gorgons’ are the original Goddesses, from times of Antiquity, (Pre-His-Story) that have become demonised through Global Religious ignorance, hence the many years of brutal killings and suppression of these truths. “Sa Sekhmet Sau. Protectress of the Divine Order”. The bloodline of Sekhmet is Sacred and Alchemical in nature. Neuro-Melanin/Dark Matter. Primordial and Pre-eminent. Draco, Orion, Sirius Star Systems. Beloved Thrice Great Ancestors.
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